All Day
February 4, 2021
The Department of Environmental Management, Solid Waste Division, announces the West Hawai‘i Sanitary Landfill Scalehouse will be using its new landfill weigh station scales beginning today, Thursday, February 4, 2021. Customers will still be issued manual tickets until after all scale system software upgrades have been completed. This also affects greenwaste customers to the West Hawai‘i Organics Facility.
Please adjust your schedules as appropriate for your needs. As more information becomes available the Division will provide updates through its mass notification system – EVERBRIDGE.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding. Please visit our website at and register for Solid Waste Notifications (via email or text).
Solid Waste Division Announces West Hawai‘i Sanitary Landfill New Scalehouse Procedures February 4, 2021 (Media Release)