Category: Meeting Recycle Hawaii Recycling Presentation - Kailua-Kona 2018-04-14

Recycle Hawaii Recycling Presentation - Kailua-Kona 2018-04-14

April 14, 2018

Go Beyond HI-5s with Recycle Hawaii!
Outreach Educator, Marsha Hee shares how recycling and reusing can be an educational, fun way to reduce our waste stream while helping to protect and conserve our natural resources.


  • Review what to collect for recycling on Hawaii Island
  • Learn to find and understand the plastic resin ID codes
  • Practice and play the Recycle Sort Game
  • Take home a handy ‘My ZERO WASTE Checklist & Tips’ sheet

    These community outreach presentations are provided in collaboration with respective State Libraries and their staff. Educational programs by Recycle Hawai‘i receive funding derived from sales of “still good stuff” donations at six County of Hawaii Recycling & Reuse Centers managed by Recycle Hawaii, through a gift from a private foundation and a Hawaii Community Foundation grant.

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